How do I become more motivated? 10 Actions You Need To Take, Now!

How do I become more motivated?

By Antoine G Larosiliere

#1 Choose goals that interest you.

It’s much harder to be motivated to tackle goals that aren’t very interesting to you. Not only must you stay motivated but you also need a great deal of discipline. Don’t choose what goals others want for you, or goals that are expected of you. You’re much more likely to become and stay motivated if you choose goals that are of great interest to you. This goal will give you a measurable focus that will create smaller, more attainable goals.

#2 Make your goals easier to achieve.

Once you have your main goal, you’re going to make smaller, more attainable goals to help you get to a specific endpoint. These smaller goals or steps will develop into your plan or blueprint. This will make the process a lot clearer and make your main goal more actionable. Clinical psychologist Steve Levinson, PhD, suggests that we should make it as easy as possible to do the things we want to do.

How do I become more motivated?

3 Make it a game.

If you make anything fun, it’s a lot easier to stick with it, and a lot easier to stay motivated. You can add point totals to each task, and make each task slightly more difficult than the next as if you’re reaching new levels. The more game-like structure you add, including rewards for every level completed, the more fun your goals become. According to high performance coach Shefali Raina, “reframing the task in the context of a game and connecting your actions to rewards or penalties helps build motivation”

#4 Remove distractions.

One of the main things that interferes with the achievement of goals and staying motivated are distractions. Distractions can be people, activities, vices, and even our own poisonous thoughts. As soon as you can, begin to eliminate the distractions in your life, this is paramount in the beginning. A few things you can do are…

  • Delete your social media apps from your phone.
  • Turn off your phone notifications.
  • Organize your work area.
  • Designate a quiet space.
  • Use noise canceling headphones.
How do I become more motivated?
How do I become more motivated?

#5 Create a routine.

Routines are instrumental in maintaining motivation to achieve goals. They make your process cyclical and add longevity to your success. Routines create healthy habits that make achievement inevitable. It requires you to organize the time of day you spend on each task when it’s most beneficial to you. It prevents tasks from piling up and you becoming overwhelmed. Studies have shown that routines can also play an important role in your overall mental health and anxiety.

#6 Create an emotional connection.

When you associate your goals with a great feeling, it becomes a motivating factor.
Think about how you’re going to feel once you’ve accomplished your goal. Imagine how others will respond and celebrate you, and how great that would feel. Remember the last time you felt genuine joy, and imagine how much better this feeling will be. This emotional connection not only will keep you motivated, but you might even work harder.

#7 Reinforce your knowledge.

I realized that every time I need a little motivation, I start researching and learning more about my particular goal. The new information I learn helps me to refocus with renewed insight. It re-energizes my enthusiasm to complete each task and inspires me to motivate others. To reinforce my knowledge, I read books, blog articles, watch documentaries, Youtube videos, and Tiktok videos. To really stay ahead of the curve, reinforce your knowledge every day, not just when you need motivation.

#8 Find inspiration in someone or something.

Inspiration can jumpstart a beleaguered spirit, and can transform an already motivated mind to new heights. You can get inspiration by learning about the success of others, or the resilience and courage of a few. You can also get inspiration from artwork, inventions, or any manifestation of ideas from a great mind. It makes us desire the same successes and attempt our own feats of amazement. So, find inspiration somewhere everytime you lose motivation.

How do I become more motivated?

#9 Use rewards to build anticipation.

Anticipating rewards has guided me through many hardships and has kept me motivated through countless endeavors. Set up some form of a reward every time you complete a task, and an even bigger reward when major goals are accomplished. Once you’ve created the rewards, get excited about the possibility of receiving those rewards. Imagine what it would feel like to enjoy those rewards and allow yourself to feel the emotion associated with it.

#10 Find a goal buddy.

We all have different dreams, desires, and goals, but having someone to partner with on some of those goals can be fun and definitely motivating. Enlist a friend, coworker, or family member to join you on particular goals. It makes it easier on both individuals, and offers great support. At the very least keep people around you that cheer you on and offer encouragement. According to educational psychologist Elisa Robyn, PhD, “we all need someone who believes in us.”

Some of the most motivated people fall short of motivation sometimes. Maintaining your motivation can be the difference between being average or being great; and between failing and succeeding. That is why these 10 tips are important.I hope this has been helpful. Also visit my YouTube channel for more insight to these topics.

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How do I become more motivated? 10 Actions You Need To Take, Now!

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